Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Guía para el examen de inglés

Cosas para estudiar:

There is/ There are (hay) y There aren’t any (no hay)
Cuando usamos ‘there is’ y cuando usamos ‘there are’

Como describir una carta describiendo un lugar.
Dear ________,

This is Arizona (esto es Arizona)
There are cactuses in Arizona (Hay cactuses en Arizona)
There are busses, cars, and stores.
I like Arizona. (me gusta Arizona)

From, Alex


Como escribir oraciones usando ‘I can.’
Example, ‘with my hands I can write’

Cuando usar ‘ing’ (come iendo/ando en español)

Examples: I am running. (estoy corriendo)
I am driving a car. (estoy manejando un carro)
They are eating cookies. (Ellos estan comiendo

Como usar ‘has’ y ‘have’

He has long legs.
I have brown eyes.
She has big feet.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Giant Clock! (El Reloj Gigante) y el bus

Tareas para 21-07 a 28-07

Tareas de ingles para completar en casa:

Pg. 69 ( Another look 8-1)
Pg. 70 (problem Solving 8-2)
Pg. 71 (problem Solving 8-3)
Pg. 72 (problem Solving 8-4)

Nota: En algunos folders las paginas no estan en orden (por ejemplo la pagina 69 viene después de la 72).

Las paginas 69 a 74 en Star Players Practice Book

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Nuestra Practicante de San Jose University

Miss Michelle y sus girasoles.

Contenidos 3a Unidad


- “On the Way to the Pond” by Angela Shelf Medearis.
- “Friends forever” by Ann Morris.
- “The fox and the stork” by Gerald Mc. Dermoff
- Library books.

Star Players

Present Simple:
- I like (apples). I don´t like (pears)
- Do you like (lemonade). Yes, I do/ No, I don´t.
- What do you have in your lunch box?
- I like/she likes.
- I have (orange juice) I don¨t have (orange juice).
- Do you have (orange juice)
- I eat (hamburgers).
- I want (a hamburger).

There is/ There are(continued.
- There is one dog.
- There are two dogs.
- Are there any(cookies)?
- How many (cookies) are there?

This, These
- This is my friend
- These are my friends

Verb to be:
- How old is he?
- We are seven.
- How old are you?
- I am 6.

Present continuous:
- What are you doing?
- I am running.
Days of the week

Numbers (continued)
- spelling of numers 10 to 20

Food Vocabulary:
Banana, Bread, Cheese, Chicken, Chocolate, ice cream, fish, hamburger, lemon, peach, pear, pineapple, pizza, potato chips, sandwich, strawberry, tomato.

Drink Vocabulary:
Juice, lemonade, milk, soda, water.

Toys Vocabulary:
Ball, bike, boat, car, computer game, doll, guitar, kite, plane, puppet, robot, scooter, teddy bear, train, yo-yo.

Climb, drive a car, fly a kite, hide, look for, play ball, play the guitar, read, ride a bike, run, sing, sleep.

Delicious, enormous, greedy, happy, hungry, salty, scared, sweet

Drink, food, lunch box, monster, picnic basket, shopping cart, shopping list, twins, wall.

Physical Science

- How shadows are made.
- How they change over a day.

- Hot and cold
- What gives off heat.
- What feels hot.
- How to keep ice frozen

- How things move
- Pushing and pulling.
- Creating mazes and moving objects through them by blowing, pushing, pulling, or
using gravity.

- Magnets
- What do magnets attract? What do the repel.?
- Using magnets to puch and pull.

- Levers
- How to make a lever using classroom objects.

Scott Foresman

- Explore one minute.
- Time to the hour.
- Tell time to five minutes.
- Tell time to the Half Hour.
- Tell time to the quarter hour.

- Explore adding tens, adding tens with hundred charts and using mental math.

- Add 2-digit sums (with or without regrouping).

- Add money (2digit-numbers).

- Add three numbers.

- Explore subtracting tens and subtract tens with hundred charts.

- Subtract with or without regrouping.

- Subtract 2-digit numbers with or without regrouping.

- Subtract money.

Attitudes/Values - Working together.
- Following instructions.
- Responsibility for your own actions.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Guía para estudiar (Science)

1. vocabulario importante:

Float - Flotar
Sink - Hundir
Sound – Sonido
Vibrations – Vibraciones
High – Alto
Low – Bajo
Loud – Fuerte
Soft – Suave
Long – largo (como long vibrations)
Short – corto (short vibrations)
Gas – gas
Solid – solido
Liquid – liquido
True – verdadero
False – falso
Evaporate - evaporar

Cosas para saber:

Como categorizar objectos en dos grops (como los que flotan y hunden o los que hacen sonidos fuertes y los que hacen sonidos suaves)

Que vibraciones hacen que sonidos (si las vibraciones cortas hacen sonidos altos o bajos por ejemplo)

Saber que es un liquido, un solido y un gas (por ejemplo, los tres estados del agua).

Lo más importante de este examen es saber el vocabulario.